Day trips /

Kikuletwa Hot Springs

Duration: Full day

Crystal clear waters and leafy palms are what await all who travel to the stunning Kikuletwa Hot Springs.

If you're in the mood for a day trip off the beaten path where tourists and locals mingle, look no further.

After an adventurous two hour road trip crossing lush African landscapes, the little oasis of the Kikuletwa Hot Springs appears.  It’s the perfect place to relax at the end of your Tanzania adventure, or to recharge your batteries before your next one! 

Take a refreshing dip in the beautifully clear water that flows from a series of ancient underground caves. Simply enjoy basking in the pool’s blue waters or, if you‘re feeling more adventurous, you can take a leap from the rope swing that hangs at the water's edge. You can take inspiration from the locals’ impressive jumps if you dare - they have some serious moves!

After you’re done swimming, enjoy a tasty picnic provided by us  or sample  some of the local food cooked fresh for you by local vendors. Our personal favorite is chips mayai, a delicious chip omelette. Make the most of this idyllic spot with a post lunch walk in the shadows of the beautiful palm and fig trees that surround the pool.

On the way back to the car, as you are approaching the main road, keep your eyes open because every so often the clouds part and you can catch a glimpse of the iconic Mt. Kilimanjaro! Take in the views as you drive past dry riverbeds, giant baobab and acacia trees, tiny villages, Maasai with their cattle, and old broken railways. What's not to love?



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What to expect

We’ll pick you up from your accommodation in Arusha or Moshi town in the morning and drive for a couple of hours before we reach the Kikuletwa hot springs. The journey begins on paved roads, but as we turn onto dried dirt roads, be prepared for some bumps along the way. We’ll drive you back around 4pm in the afternoon, the day is relaxed and flexible giving you the chance to enjoy this hidden gem in whatever way you choose. We recommend that you bring some swimwear, a towel, sun-cream and a hat.

What is included?

  • Private transportation

  • A local English speaking guide

  • Entrance fee to the hot springs

  • Lunch

  • Bottled water

  • All fees and taxes

Extra information
In Tanzania, a tip is expected after your participation in a tourist activity. This tip is not included in your package. If you are happy with your tour, the recommended amount for a guide is 20 USD a day, which can be divided by all your group members. As we pay a lot of attention to creating good working conditions for all our crew members and making sure they get paid according to guidelines from organisations that defend their rights, we kindly request you to respect this amount for any trip. Thank you! 

Ready to book the Kikuletwa Hot Springs tour?

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